Pregnancy Part 1: Answered Prayer
It happened about 9 months after our wedding that I began to suspect that I might be pregnant. It wasn't something we were trying for but it wasn't something we weren't trying for either! The store bought pregnancy test said yes with a faint plus sign but I couldn't even believe it. I hadn't mentioned it to Clint yet because in my young mind I had to be 100% sure before I could even think about saying the words "Im pregnant!" out loud. A visit to our local medical center and a blood test later, it was confirmed that indeed "WE WERE PREGNANT!" God had given us our heart's desire and in fact continue to bless and answer our prayers throughout our children's lives.
Because I'm a T6 paraplegic, I began seeing a high risk doctor at LSU Medical Center. We thought this would be necessary because we weren't really sure about what kinds of complications or problems my pregnancy may encounter. At that time, I was only 5 years post injury so everything was uncharted territory so we took extra precaution where we could.
The first 20 weeks went by without a hitch! I gagged on my toothbrush every morning, we found out we were having a GIRL, and my belly started to show the cutest pooch ever! I used to spend embarrassing amounts of time laying on my back so I could watch her move and kick. What a miracle pregnancy truly is! It was going so well that it was recommended that I begin seeing my regular OBGYN for the remainder of my pregnancy.
Clint and Micahla at about 3 months old!
Then it happened at 26 weeks. I began to go into early labor. There was no way to know if this was due to my paraplegia or if it was just something that would have happened regardless. My most vivid memory of this time was my doctor saying "If we can just make it to 29 weeks then she will have a much better chance of survival". SURVIVAL?! Those were some of the most frightening words of my life. I was immediately put on bedrest for the duration of my pregnancy and also had an at home contraction monitor that I had to wear during certain times of the day to make sure the medicine I was taking was keeping the contractions at a minimum. It was all super tedious and boring but I was committed to do whatever I could to keep my baby from being born before she was mature.
Although the weeks passed way too slowly, we made it to each milestone that the doctor set. First, it was 29 weeks, then 32, and finally 37 weeks. Each time he would give me a percentage of how much higher my baby's survival rate was if I could reach the milestone...terrifying I tell you. I truly believe it was a miracle and an answered prayer that I carried her to 37 weeks. Even today, 20 years later, I get emotional when I think about this.
Because my doctor wanted my labor and delivery to happen in a more controlled environment, he induced my labor at 37 weeks. It was April 19, 1995. The main concern at this point was for my safety due to a common condition in spinal cord injury patients called Autonomic Dysreflexia. This is a condition of extreme hypertension (which can result in death) when the body below injury site is in any kind of painful state. Of course, labor and delivery is high on the list of reasons this condition may happen. Its a strange thought that, although I cannot feel pain below my injury site, my body is experiencing every bit of it. Due to this, I was given an epidural to help my body endure the pain of childbirth regardless of the fact that I wouldn't feel a thing anyway. The other concern was whether I would be able to push hard enough when it came time to deliver the baby. If not, a nurse would press down at the bottom of my ribcage to help push the baby out.
Micahla and I just shortly after her arrival on April 19,1995.
My labor was very easy. I couldn't feel the contractions but I could see them occurring by how my stomach muscles would tense all the way up then relax as the contraction eased up. Amazing, I tell you! My body knew exactly what needed to happen to deliver that baby regardless of my disability! After 6 hours of labor and watching the Oklahoma City Bombing coverage on TV, Micahla Rene' Wilson was born into this world. She was healthy and absolutely perfect. We were so thankful that the Lord had heard and answered our many prayers.
Due to being able to deliver naturally, my recovery was quite quick. Its still so crazy to me that despite my disability, I was able to become a MOM! What a blessing my children are in my life! To God Be The Glory!
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17