Pregnancy Part 2: A Miscarriage and Another Answered Prayer!
Micahla was 9 months old when I found out I was pregnant again! I'll be honest, the last 9 months hadn't been all rainbows and butterflies....Micahla was a beautiful, highly intelligent, and extremely strong willed little person! Those qualities have served her well in her life, but those first two years where a challenge to say the least! My first reaction to the news that I was pregnant again was tears and fear. It had been tough (and exhausting) to juggle motherhood, college, and being a wife to my sweet husband. I couldn't fathom adding another child to my daily routine. Even so, it only took a day or two for the initial shock to wear off and for me to be completely thrilled and excited about our new addition.
Micahla at about 9 months old! This gives me *heart eyes*!
Only two weeks later is when the worst happened. At 8 weeks, I miscarried our second child. My first reaction was sadness but mostly guilt. Maybe if I hadn't cried when I found out I was pregnant this wouldn't have happened, ect. ect. But I knew my Lord was not that kind of God. He is the Almighty, grace giving, loving God. He didn't punish me for being a doubt filled human. But knowing this with my mind and believing it in my heart were two totally different things. Clint's words really helped me see this. "It just happens that way sometimes. The baby is weak and just doesn't thrive and that's all it is." (I quoted that but it has been 19 years so it may not have been those exact words but definitely the same message!) Looking back on this, I'm convinced that God spoke through Clint that day. His words settled in my soul and I quickly came to terms with the fact that God loves me and wasn't punishing me for doubting I could deal with two babies under 18 months old. God was caring for me and my little nugget baby. And when that sweet baby was weak and couldn't thrive, He took him/her home to live in Heaven with Him until I one day join them. And that's what I mean when I say God is the only source of true joy in all circumstances. Only He can provide that type of peace and hope for a mom after a miscarriage. Praise be to God for it's through Him that ALL blessings flow!
Ten months after our miscarriage, we were pregnant AGAIN! This time, the news was pure JOY! Although I had silently worried if my body would be able to sustain another pregnancy. After the early labor with Micahla and the miscarriage, I was praying so hard that God would provide and this pregnancy would thrive and progress without any problems.
Micahla "holding" Reid. It didn't take long for him to start looking like he needed to be holding her! haha! BIG BOY!
And as the future would tell us about how complete opposites our children would be, so did their two pregnancies....complete day and night! Carrying this baby couldn't have been easier. During the entire 37 weeks, I was prepared for early labor and bed rest at every doctor's appointment. But it never happened. Everything went perfectly and at 37 weeks my water broke and I went into labor. His delivery proved to also be easy as pie. Again, I was given an epidural to reduce the chances of complications like Autonomic Dysreflexia. But this time I was able to do all the pushing on my own. I was SO proud of myself!!!! After 7 hours of labor, Marcus Reid Wilson was born into this world on August 2, 1997. He was definitely an answered prayer and a tremendous blessing! God has been so faithful to our family. Regardless if the times are good or bad, He remains our Rock and brings joy in the morning!
Micahla, Reid and I shortly after coming home from the hospital! She was a great big sister! And for the next few years, I always had a baby or two on my lap!
Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning. Psalm 30:5
Precious Reid!